Organic Software Developer Smoothie

Building a team is not an easy task. In fact it is a colossal task. Extreme Ownership practitioners say there are no bad teams, there’s only bad leaders. And while there can be a lot of argumentation in there, there is a bit of uncontested truth. A good leader who knows how to set up the right balance of pressure,… Read more →

On Hiring Engineers

I’ve been in the software industry some time now. I’ve hired a  few hundred coders, software engineers or however you want to call them from different backgrounds and experiences. Also from different countries and regions. Unfortunately I also had to fire a handful of them, most in good terms, some in bad ones. For the latter, I always blame myself on bad… Read more →

Software Engineers are not Engineers?

Recently I stumbled across this post: Programmers should not call themselves engineers He claims that software engineers shouldn’t claim themselves as “engineers” at all, and that it undermines a long and stablished tradition and school. Apparently, we “software guys”, don’t like to call ourselves programmers, and we like the term of software engineers, or software developer. In a first read, you… Read more →


Welcome to The Pirate CTO, a site where I’ll summarize ideas, thoughts and CTO stuff that I find relevant Read more →